Leash Training: What to Do if Your Pit Bull Will Not Stop Pulling

Leash training is an important part of having a dog. It’s best to start training them when they’re still young so they get used to a leash. But some, if not all, dogs will have a problem with leash training.

One of these dogs is the pit bull. So, what will you do if your pit bull will not stop pulling? Today, we’ll be tackling this issue.

Learn to Train TGD Way: Pitbull Mix Leash Pulling Resolved In One Dog Training Session


Importance of Leash Training

If you get a new dog, it’s important to train them to get used to a leash. This will make going out with them much easier. You can guide them in the right direction as well as give them a limit as to where they can go.

This protects them from people and other pets and vice versa.

In fact, leash training is so important for pit bulls because of the bad reputation they get. Although it’s untrue, many people see pits as dangerous and aggressive. Having them on a leash when going out will help avoid tension.

Pits without any leash may frighten some people who don’t know these dogs. Your dog will likely feel the tension and anxiety of that person and may feel stressed. Once they are stressed, they might react negatively despite socialization training.

How to Effectively Leash Train Your Dog

Leash training should start when your dog is younger. Pups tend to learn quickly compared to older dogs. All you really need is a collar, and a leash, some good treats, loads of patience.

First off, ensure your dog is used to the idea of having a collar. They will try to remove and scratch it for a few days, but don’t take it off. Just be sure that it’s not too tight or your dog might choke.

Give them a treat whenever you’re putting the collar on. Doing this will help them associate the collar with good things.

Once they’re used to the collar, you can try attaching a leash. Do this a few minutes every day, and give them a treat every time. You don’t necessarily have to walk them at first. Just make them feel comfortable with having a leash.

You can start walking them if they become more comfortable with a leash on.

Pit Bull Will Not Stop Pulling

One of the major problems when it comes to leash training is pulling. Your pit bull will not stop pulling, which will make them nearly choke themselves. Because of this, we end up giving into what they want.

But this shouldn’t be the case. Pulling is you pit’s way of showing dominance. They know that by pulling, they’d be able to get where they want to faster. This means they’re more in control of the walk than you are.

Not fixing this problem can lead to other issues. In the end, they won’t follow you, and it will end up frustrating you.

How to Fix This

The truth is, fixing this problem is rather easy. The key is to not pull back as what many people tend to do. Once their pit bulls start pulling, they pull back the leash themselves.

Avoid this action. The more your dog feels a strain, the more they will pull the leash back. If you’re rather frail, you’ll end up getting pulled along with them. If you pull hard enough, you might injure your pet.

You can regain your control by standing still. Simply let them stop pulling altogether. Once they do, start moving forward again.

Your dog may also pull forward when they get excited about something. Use verbal markers to let them know they’re pulling hard. Basic commands like “No” or “Stop” will help during these times. Ensure they have had basic command training before anything else.

Treat Your Dog

Positive reinforcement helps in many types of training. Always have their favorite treats ready at hand when leash training them. If they begin moving forward without any problems, give them a treat.

Continue giving them treats for good behavior when walking. You may also coax them to move forward with their favorite toys. Praising your dog will also help them be more eager to learn.

Giving treats is not bad. In fact, it can help as your dog learns faster when you give them rewards. They will think that doing good in training and learning tricks will gain them a treat or a belly rub.

Most of all, never punish your dog. Although pits are naturally gentle, they still have aggression in their DNA. All dogs do.

Punishment and negative treatment bring that out. Once your pit becomes aggressive, it will bite and attack when they feel threatened. 


If your pit bull will not stop pulling, stop pulling the leash like it’s a game of tug of war. You can injure your dog as they will only pull back more.

About the author

Sarah Andrews

Hi I'm Sarah, dog lover and blogger. I was born into a dog-loving family and have been a proud doggy mommy ever since I can remember. I love sharing my dog knowledge and love being an active part of the dog-loving community.