Do you have a Boxer pup and wonder “when will my boxer dog be full grown”? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Every dog owner with a pup is thinking the same thing as you.
This post will discuss everything you should know about your Boxer’s growth.
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When Will My Boxer Dog Be Full Grown?
The thing with dogs is that they each reach their full growth at different speeds. Smaller breeds achieve their full growth much faster than bigger breeds. It means your Chihuahua will reach its full growth much faster than your Boxer.
On average, smaller breeds reach the recommended height and weight at around 12 months. But your Boxer is likely to continue growing beyond his first birthday. They are likely to stop when they reach two years old.
But there are some cases wherein Boxer dogs or some breeds continue growing.
Besides height and weight, their chest area grows broader as time goes by.
Boxer’s Build
A Boxer dog is considered a medium-sized breed. Male dogs should be around 23 to 25 inches tall. Females are slightly smaller with a height of 21.5 to 23.5 inches.
Meanwhile, males should weigh around 65 to 80 pounds. Females, on the other hand, should weigh 15 pounds less than their male counterparts.
Although females are smaller, Boxer dogs should have a square build. They are strong with a tight-fitting coat. Their muscles should be hard and clear and should appear smoothly when the skin is taut.
These are all based on the American Kennel Club’s breed standard.
You may see your dog has reached their fullest height and weight at around 12 months. By then, you’ll likely believe they have grown into adults and can take an hour of exercise. But that isn’t the case.
Your Boxer’s growth plates won’t close until they are 18 months old. It’s important that they don’t get too much exercise before that.
An ideal exercise plan includes daily walks for around 30 minutes. Or you can provide them 20 to 30 minutes of some cardio burst. You can do that by simply playing fetch or tag with them.
What Can Affect your Dog’s Growth?
Some dogs don’t achieve the standard height and weight of normal Boxer dogs. That’s despite reaching their adult years.
There are two things that can affect your Boxer’s size. The first is how and why they were bred and the second is health related.
Show Dogs
Some breeders breed Boxers for the sole purpose of joining shows. If that’s the case, these dogs tend to be on a smaller scale. You might not realize it until they have reached their second birthday.
It’s important to know where you’re getting your dog. If you want big Boxer dogs with a working-class physique, it’s best you find the best breeder. Ensure they’re not breeding them for shows.
Health Issues
Two health issues come to play when your dog is smaller than usual. They either have low growth hormones or they might have canine dwarfism.
Low growth hormones are caused by a damaged pituitary gland. Their body is unable to produce the much-needed growth hormones to help them grow. As a result, their growth is stunted.
The low production of growth hormones can be caused by the following:
- Tumors
- Cysts growing on the gland
- Infected gland
- Pituitary gland not developing well
Fortunately, low growth hormone is rare for the Boxer. But it is common with the Spitz and Miniature Pinscher.
The other cause is canine dwarfism.
If your Boxer dog has it, its bones do not grow to its normal size. This case is known medically as achondroplasia. Besides affecting the size, the body’s proportion is also affected.
Symptoms include the following:
- The body remains small while the head grows larger.
- Bone shape is abnormal.
- Forelimbs bow sideways.
- Boxer’s puppy coat remains and does not shed into their adult coats.
- Teeth issues, such as crookedness show due to shorter jaw.
- Teeth develop slowly.
Canine dwarfism is rare in Boxers. But it’s common with Basset Hounds, Beagles, and German Shepherds.
How to Ensure your Dog Grows Well
You can help your dog grow well into breed standard. Here are some of our tips:
- Choose high-quality dog food. It should include a quality protein source, which should also be the number one ingredient. Additional nutrients such as vitamins can help them grow healthy and strong.
- Feed your dog with age-appropriate dog food. Puppies should eat dog food made especially for pups.
- Follow a feeding schedule. You can ask your vet for the best schedule based on your dog’s age and size.
- Exercise helps them maintain their muscles. But never over-exercise your dog or they will easily get exhausted. They may even develop health problems with too much exercise.
Boxer dogs are amazing pets. They may not be the biggest dog of all, but they can grow quite impressively. Ensure they remain in top shape so they can stay healthy and live longer.