How Long Can a Dog Go Without Peeing?

Have you ever wondered, “How long can a dog go without peeing?” It might be an essential thing to know for dog owners who like to travel with their pets to determine when their dogs need to go on a potty stop over. In addition, it is also important to spot signs of potential health problems if your dog is peeing either more or less frequent than normal, despite a healthy diet and enough water intakes. Is your dog peeing normally? Let’s find out in this review.

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How often do dogs pee?

Generally, dogs need to pee about 3-5 times a day or every 6-8 hours. In addition, veterinarians often recommend taking your dog out to pee every 6 -8 hours to prevent indoor “accidents”. However, there are different factors which might affect your dogs peeing habits. Age, breed, size and diet (including drinks) may change the frequency of your dog peeing.

Puppies might pee more often than healthy adult dogs. This is due to the smaller urinary bladder of puppies which may only contain smaller amounts of urine. On the other hand, senior dogs might also pee more frequently due to their age or certain health conditions that senior dogs may have. In addition, breed, physical activity and level of hydration may all play a role in how often your dog needs to pee.

dog peeing near a tree

How long can dogs hold their pee?

If you are unable to let your dog out to pee for more than 6-8 hours, dogs are able to hold their urine for up to 10-15 hours. However, making your dogs hold their pee frequently might eventually lead to kidney or bladder problems if “accidents” don’t occur. Well-trained dogs are able to hold their pee for quite a long time without accidents. But, keep in mind that even if dogs are able to hold their pee for a long time, it is uncomfortable to them and it might even be detrimental for your dog’s health.

What triggers frequent urination in dogs?

Frequent urination in dogs might be due to numerous different causes. In addition, sudden excitement or fear might lead to sudden peeing accidents in dogs which are clearly behavioral problems. However, other health problems might cause frequent urination in dogs, too. These are the causes of frequent urination in dogs:

  • Polyuria and Pollakiuria
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver disease
  • Diabetes
  • Lack of steroid hormone production
  • Overproduction of steroid hormones
  • Tumor
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Other hormonal disorders
  • Side effects of medication
  • Age
  • Psychological or behavioral problems

Should you be worried if your dog is peeing less frequent?

Yes, if your dog is peeing less frequent it might be due to mere dehydration or severe health issues. In addition, if your dog is peeing less frequent for a prolonged period of time despite enough fluid intakes, you might want to visit your veterinarian as soon as you observe this symptom.

Dogs are able to hold their urine for about 10-15 hours. However, not urinating despite being given a chance to do so is very odd behavior for any dog. Dogs might be experiencing kidney stones or bladder issues if it is refusing to urinate at all within that period of time.

If your dog is peeing less frequent or the amount of urine is less than normal, it might be an early sign of dehydration which might be detrimental for your dog’s health if it is not addressed. You may provide your dog with enough fluids and electrolytes to help rule out dehydration as a cause of infrequent urination.

puppy in a garden

What to do if your dog is unable to pee?

If your dog pees less frequently and is showing some signs of distress, you might want to bring your dog to the vet to determine the root cause for it. In addition, veterinarians might be able to address the problem without surgery for severe cases of kidney or bladder stones or your dog might be subjected to emergency surgery if necessary.

Normal frequency of urination is also a sign of your dog’s health. However, if you think your dog is unable to pee, but is not really showing signs of pain, you might want to offer more water to your dog. In addition, electrolyte drinks which are safe for your might also be beneficial if your dog is unable to pee due to early stages of dehydration.

What are the possible solutions for frequent urination in dogs?

Frequent urination in dogs might be due to physical or behavioral problems. However, it is essential to determine the cause of frequent urination to successfully determine the possible solutions for your dog. If you suspect that your dog has underlying health issues, you might want to consult your veterinarian immediately for proper therapy or treatment.

On the other hand, if your dog is frequently urinating due to behavioral problems, proper training might be the solution. In addition, relaxation exercises might help your dog manage uncontrolled urination when either afraid or excited. However, if you think that your dog is frequently urinating due to panic attacks, you might want to consult your veterinarian for exercises and medication that might be helpful for your dog.

Conclusion: How long can a dog go without peeing?

Dogs can go without peeing for an average of 6-8 hours. However, dogs are able to hold their urine for 10-15 hours if they are not given a chance to relieve themselves sooner. Normal frequency in urination is a sign of good health for most dogs. Infrequent or very frequent urination might be a sign of potential health issues which might need veterinary attention.

About the author

Sarah Andrews

Hi I'm Sarah, dog lover and blogger. I was born into a dog-loving family and have been a proud doggy mommy ever since I can remember. I love sharing my dog knowledge and love being an active part of the dog-loving community.