Are Pugs Good with Cats?

The majority of us have learned that cats and dogs are mortal enemies. But that isn’t true. There are many amazing stories of both creatures living harmoniously together.

But it doesn’t erase the fact that some breeds don’t tolerate cats or any animals for that matter. That can be a problem if you already have a cat or a dog in your house. If you’re planning on getting another pet, you should ensure they like each other.

That said, are good-natured pugs good with cats?

Pug’s Temperament

It’s easy to look at a Pug and think they’re sad. It’s the wrinkly face and round puppy eyes that will make you think so.

But don’t be fooled. These little dogs are happy and jovial creatures. Although they aren’t the best for taking long walks, they love a good outing to the park.

And it’s easy to bring them out. Pugs are gentle in nature. They go along well with other people—adults or children. Plus, they work well with other animals such as other dogs and even cats.

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Pugs and Cats

Pugs were originally bred to become companions and lap dogs. They were chosen for this job as they’re sweet and devoted to their owners. This job has led them to become sociable animals.

That’s the reason why they will tolerate even cats. In some ways, these two creatures are much alike. They’re both independent creatures trying to do what they want.

Your Pug may not even have too much encounter with your cat. But if they do, the kind of vibe they’ll give to your cats is friendly. They may even find a good company with a cat when the humans are away.

Your Pug might be small, but you don’t need to worry. If they can handle a little rough playing (just supervise them), they can handle a feline playmate.

Terriers and Hound groups, meanwhile, are likely to chase your cat away. Your cat will never like that kind of attention. Your Pug has a low-prey drive unlike breeds under these categories.

Even dogs in the Herding groups may find it hard to coexist with a cat. They’re likely to herd everything from other dogs to children. Your cat may find it annoying, and they may end up fighting.

The Myth of Cats and Dogs

What we learn in school and what we see in the media suggests that cats and dogs are mortal enemies. But as we already learned, that’s not the case. All you have to do is to find the right breed and they can even become best friends.

Sociable and gentle dogs are the best choices. Don’t just look at the size. Many bigger breeds are gentle giants.

Here are other breeds besides the Pug that have a high tolerance for a feline companion:

  • Beagles
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Bulldog
  • Basset Hound
  • Golden Retriever
  • Labrador
  • Collie
  • Papillion

What If They Don’t Get Along?

While Pugs can generally coexist peacefully with a cat, it may not always be the case. Some Pugs or cats may have difficulty adapting to this new environment. And you might find this out the hard way when you finally get a cat or a Pug.

But don’t give up hope. There are certain ways that can help you train both animals to live well with each other. Here are some tips to make it easier for both animals to live together:

Slowly introduce your dog to your cat.

Whether you’ve already had a cat before getting a dog or vice versa, do the introduction slowly. Don’t rush into things or throw them in the same space together. Chances are it will not go well.

Instead of a celebration of harmonious living, both your pets may get traumatized.

That said, make sure both animals have their own personal space. It’s better if they are away from each other first. You can put both animals behind a gated room, especially at night.

Then swap scented items like blankets and pillows every once in a while. Both animals should be familiar with the scent of the other. Do this for a few weeks.

Give equal attention to both animals.

You might be excited about your new pet, but your old one may feel jealous. For your new cat or Pug, everything is exciting and new. But your current pet will feel left out and traumatized by the sudden change.

That said, don’t change the way you act around your old pet. If they are accustomed to cuddling or sleeping with you, don’t change it. They should feel that you’re still their best friend and the newcomer won’t change that.

But don’t leave out your new pet either, especially when it’s a Pug. They will need extra care and loving as well. Training them will also take time and patience.

In the end, you just need to have extra time to care for both animals. Be sure you are committed to this new responsibility you’re taking.

About the author

Sarah Andrews

Hi I'm Sarah, dog lover and blogger. I was born into a dog-loving family and have been a proud doggy mommy ever since I can remember. I love sharing my dog knowledge and love being an active part of the dog-loving community.